Sec. 30-63. Registration of brands, fees. Posting and notice of prices. Brand registration of fortified wine. When departmental approval prohibited.
Secs. 30-63ato30-63d. Prices charged by manufacturers and out-of-state shippers to Connecticut wholesalers. Affirmation re price. Determination of price. Enforcement; regulations.
Sec. 30-63e. Conditions required for closeout sale.
Sec. 30-63f. Brand or size to be closed out.
Sec. 30-64. Fair trade; schedule of suggested prices to be filed with Department of Consumer Protection.
Sec. 30-64a. Sales within a wholesaler's geographic territory.
Sec. 30-64b. Unfair pricing practices.
Sec. 30-65. Regulations.
Sec. 30-66. Administration expenses.
Sec. 30-67. Penalties.
Sec. 30-68. Wholesale prices of wine.
Secs. 30-68ato30-68h. Minimum retail markups; definitions. Minimum selling price. Suggested consumer resale price. Enforcement; regulations. Minimum wholesale markups; definitions. Minimum selling price. Minimum wholesale price. Enforcement; regulations.
Sec. 30-68i. Minimum selling price of out-of-state shipper, wholesaler or manufacturer permittee.
Sec. 30-68j. Minimum markup in sale of beer.
Sec. 30-68k. Price discrimination prohibited.
Sec. 30-68l. Wholesale permittees; sales below cost prohibited.
Sec. 30-68m. Retail permittees; sales below cost prohibited; exception.
Sec. 30-68n. Advertisement of manufacturers' rebates.