Chapter 1. Construction of Statutes  

Sec. 1-1. Words and phrases. Construction of statutes.
Sec. 1-1a. Terms relating to security in personal property.
Sec. 1-1b. Payment by bank treasurer's or cashier's check in lieu of certified check.
Sec. 1-1c. “Elector” defined. “Special election warned and held or called for that purpose”, means “referendum”, when.
Sec. 1-1d. “Minor”, “infant”, “infancy”, “age of majority”, defined.
Sec. 1-1e. Savings clause.
Sec. 1-1f. “Blind”, “physically disabled”, defined.
Sec. 1-1g. “Intellectual disability” defined.
Sec. 1-1h. Identity cards.
Sec. 1-1i. Use of fees collected from issuance of identity cards.
Sec. 1-1j. Methods of payment for licenses, fees, costs or fines.
Sec. 1-1k. “Victim of crime”, “crime victim”, defined.
Sec. 1-1l. Holocaust victims' settlement payments excluded from income for purposes of needs-based programs.
Sec. 1-1m. Applicability of marriage terms.
Sec. 1-1n. “Gender identity or expression” defined.
Sec. 1-2. Legal notices.
Sec. 1-2a. Construction of term “postmark”.
Sec. 1-2b. Construction of term “certified mail, return receipt requested”.
Sec. 1-2c. Construction of term “electronic mail”.
Secs. 1-2dto1-2y. [Reserved]
Sec. 1-2z. Plain meaning rule.
Sec. 1-3. Validity of separate provisions of acts.
Sec. 1-3a. License or permit fee due on Saturday, Sunday or holiday.
Sec. 1-3b. Enforcement of subpoena powers.